Wednesday 27 March 2013

How do Solicitors know if an Injury Qualifies for Medical Negligence Claims?

Since people can easily file medical negligence claims, it is good a candidate for abuse. It is this exploitation that has many people, like legitimate victims, health care providers, and lawmakers up in arms. This is because the misuse of the right to file claims has such a damaging effect and far reaching consequence for everyone in the United Kingdom.

This is one of the reasons why solicitors screen all possible cases by talking to victims. During the initial conversation, a solicitor will sift through the facts of the case and decide if it qualifies as a legitimate claim.

Some of the questions that solicitors need to be answered to include:

•    Did the health care provider act in a way that no other similar provider would act, given the situation?

•    Did the action of the health care provider result in some form of harm?

If the answers to these two basic questions are “Yes” then there is a good chance that a situation qualifies as a legitimate claim. The next step of the solicitor is to delve deeper into the details, such as the step-by-step set of events leading up to the harm done to the patient.

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